News Roundup
As hopefully you have heard by now, the Secretary of State has endorsed the recommendations of the Planning Inspector, who conducted the public inquiry last year into the Bengeo quarry appeal. This means that the Secretary of State has refused permission to quarry in Bengeo Field, quoting the risk of ground water pollution, the landscape, air pollution and noise levels among the reasons. We are, of course, delighted with the outcome - especially as it is clear that the points raised by the Stop Bengeo Quarry group were recognised by the inspector and mentioned in his report. This means that although HCC were not in a position to object to the proposed quarry on the basis of hydrology, the Secretary of State concluded that the risk is unacceptable and would have an unacceptable adverse impact on the natural environment. Additionally, it was also recognised that "the local fear and anxiety about short- and long-term health risks" are "legitimate" and "not...