News Roundup

As hopefully you have heard by now, the Secretary of State has endorsed the recommendations of the Planning Inspector, who conducted the public inquiry last year into the Bengeo quarry appeal. This means that the Secretary of State has refused permission to quarry in Bengeo Field, quoting the risk of ground water pollution, the landscape, air pollution and noise levels among the reasons. We are, of course, delighted with the outcome - especially as it is clear that the points raised by the Stop Bengeo Quarry group were recognised by the inspector and mentioned in his report. This means that although HCC were not in a position to object to the proposed quarry on the basis of hydrology, the Secretary of State concluded that the risk is unacceptable and would have an unacceptable adverse impact on the natural environment. Additionally, it was also recognised that "the local fear and anxiety about short- and long-term health risks" are "legitimate" and "not...
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Secretary Of State Dismisses Appeal

Secretary Of State Dismisses Appeal

We are delighted to have received James Brokenshire’s letter upholding Hertfordshire County Council’s decision to refuse planning permission for a quarry on Bengeo Field, north of Hertford. In his decision, the minister has backed our views on the threat to water supplies, loss of amenity and the impact on local residents. In the three years of campaigning against the quarry, we have been determined to present rational, fact-based arguments against gravel extraction on the site. We have had the support of our local MP Mark Prisk, councillors, businesses, experts and most importantly the residents of Bengeo, who’ve been getting in touch to express their delight: “I just wanted to say a massive heartfelt thank you for all you and the rest of the SBQ campaigners have done. Today was a massive win for the whole community and makes me feel so proud to be part of it.” “Your commitment and dedication has not gone unnoticed as is an inspiration to us all. My daughter was...
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BREAKING: Appeal Dismissed

We are delighted to hear that Minister for Housing, Communities & Local Government, James Brokenshire, has accepted The Inspector's recommendation to dismiss RJD & Gowling's appeal against the council's refusal of planning permission for Bengeo Quarry. We will be issuing a formal reaction later but in the meantime you can find more details on Discover Hertford Online. » Read report...
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Sign Our Petition Against Rickneys

Our petition against the Rickneys Extention is still available online and we would encourage everyone to sign it. We expect a final decision to be made by the County Council at the end of March. In thge meantime we continue to campaign against quarrying in Bengeo. » Sign our petition The petition is active until 24th January 2019....
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Rickneys Planning Application Submitted

Hanson have submitted a planning application to re-open the old quarry south of Chapmore End. The abandoned site is immediately north of St.John's Wood and Bengeo Field. The site access road joins the B158 Wadesmill Road around 600 metres north of the proposed access road for the Bengeo Field quarry. The Rickneys site closed in 2001 but Hanson have in the past submitted further applications to extend the operation, the most recent being in 2013 when they asked to extend the timeframe to 2017. This application was approved by the County Council but no formal Planning Decision was issued after a failure to agree Section 106 conditions associated with the plan. Hanson have now amended this planning application, changing the date to 31st December 2021. At the Public Inquiry in to the proposed Bengeo Field quarry, the applicant (Ingrebourne) made it clear they have negotiated with Hanson to use the existing access road for Rickneys, thereby overcoming any highways issues regarding the earlier...
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Public Enquiry Day 11

The final day of the public enquiry at County Hall heard the closing statement from the parties involved in the enquiry. For The Campaign, barrister Katharine Elliot gave a strong case outlining the reasons why the proposal is not acceptable on the grounds of the contamination risk to the chalk aquifer and air-quality related health impacts. The conclusions are: It is agreed between the parties that the proposed development could have an unacceptable adverse impact on the chalk aquifer and consequently the public water supply at the Wadesmill Rd PWS. The proposed development can therefore not be permitted unless the Appellants can demonstrate that appropriate measures can be imposed to mitigate that impact. The mitigation measures proposed by the Appellants are wholly insufficient to mitigate the serious potential impact of pollution on the Chalk aquifer. Planning permission for the proposed development – whether the original or the amended scheme – should therefore be refused. As to air quality, the Health Impact Assessment...
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Public Enquiry Day 10

Public Enquiry Day 10

Day 10 of the public enquiry started with Mr Symes (representing the Appellant) giving his evidence. He explained that in his view, requiring the payment of a bond (as a condition of planning approval) is not appropriate in this application as the government does not support bonds - only in exceptional circumstances. He claimed to represent a "good company" which will deliver restoration. This is for landowner and the tenant to legally agree, and the local authorities to monitor. Mr.Symes was cross-examined by the campaign's barrister - he agreed that the the measurements for the water pollution concerns are not defined clearly at this stage. He accepted he understood the community's concerns about the restoration ("Rickneys is a poor example of my industry"). When asked about the lack of community engagement he stated that the community could have reached him. He added: "What benefit would there be for me to talk to community if it is clear they don't want me there". The...
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Public Enquiry Day 9

The Public Enquiry in to the proposed quarry in Bengeo resumed this morning with questions for the Stop Bengeo Quarry Campaign's Health Impact Assessment/Air Quality expert Mr Roger Barrowcliffe. Stop Bengeo Quarry approached numerous experts in this field to represent us but many declined due to the difficulty in winning cases like these on health grounds. Roger has decades of experience in air quality and is currently Vice-Chair of the Institute of Air Quality Management. He agreed that these cases are hard won but felt there were some important uncertainties in the evidence submitted by the appellant to highlight to the inspector. This he did with credibility and clarity during questioning by SBQ's barrister. The main points covered included the following: The reference to “significance” relates to a framework constructed by Ben Cave and is not professionally recognised nationally or internationally at present (though there are some guidelines for doing HIA generally). The air quality model submitted by the appellants may...
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Public Enquiry Re-opens Next Week

The Public Enquiry in to the County Council's refiusal of planning permission for a quarry in Bengeo re-open next Tuesday (23rd October) at County Hall for three days. Come and join us any time you can please, wearing red if you want to. The schedule for remaining days of the enquiry are: Tuesday 23rd October: Health witnesses and evidence in chief from Mr Symes representing the appellants Wednesday 24th October: Mr Symes' evidence cross examination and conditions for Section 106 Thursday 25th October: Closing submissions You can come any time during the day. We need the Inspector and the appellant know that the residents of Hertford will not stop campaigning to Stop Bengeo Quarry....
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