The County Council’s Director of Public Health, Prof. Jim McManus,  has issued a final response to the planned quarry north of Bengeo.

The response re-asserts concerns over the robustness of the applicants Air Quality Assessment.

In his letter to planning officer Felicity Hart, he states: “… we would expect the applicant to demonstrate a more robust evidence base than the current assessment allows to support its view that there is no significant risk to human health. Given that has not been done, we are minded to object to the proposal as it stands.” (our emphasis)

In conclusion, Prof. McManus comments: “… the applicant has not, as yet, been able to demonstrate to a sufficiently robust level that there would not be such harm, nor demonstrate robustly that mitigation measures based on their assessment would be sufficient to remove or substantially mitigate any risk, based on their current Air Quality Assessment.

» Read the final Public Health response here