The following address was made to Hertfordshire County Council’s Development Control committee on Wednesday 22nd March 2017 by Campaign chair Aska Pickering.

You should already be aware of the strength of feeling in Hertford about the proposed Bengeo quarry. The local community has good reasons to be concerned, given the prospect of harmful dust pollution, increased heavy traffic, the risk of pollution to Hertford’s water supply, and irreversible damage to the local landscape and wildlife.

When making the decision we are asking you to consider these questions:

  • Are you sure that you can trust the applicant to protect Hertford’s water supply? Or to protect us from air pollution?
  • Can you be sure that the proposal will adequately respond to the traffic & road safety concerns?
  • Are you convinced that the proposed quarry will not permanently destroy the landscape?

Because we – the residents – are not.

In a moment you will hear our speakers explain the reasons why so many of us object to this application and why we strongly believe this wonderful land should never be turned into wasteland.

More than 3,000 local residents have actively supported our campaign:

  • Our website has had over 10,000 visits and nearly 24,000 page views.
  • Over 1,300 letters were sent to the Council during the public consultations.
  • 4,000 supporters signed the electronic or paper petitions
  • Over 1,000 members joined our Facebook group and 2,500 subscribers follow our facebook page
  • Some of our films have been viewed thousands of times.

SBQ supporters include:

  • A number of Residents’ Associations: Molewood, Lower Bengeo, Chapmore End, Watermill Estate
  • Bengeo Primary School and Bengeo Playgroup
  • Hertford Civic Society, Bengeo Parish Council, East Herts Green Party, Hertford & Ware Labour Party
  • MP Mark Prisk, Cllrs: Andrew Stevenson, Sally Newton, Michael McMullen, Paul Phillips, Steve Cousins, Patricia Moore and Mayor of Hertford Linda Radford

This community will continue to strongly oppose the proposed quarry, and will continue to campaign against the devastation of the landscape that they enjoy. As you can see from those present here today, our children also feel very strongly about this issue.
Today all of us with children present here we want to ask you just one thing – “please, Stop Bengeo Quarry”.