This page describes how the planning application process works

The application is out to consultation currently. Once responses are received, the Planning Officer assigned to the case will review the detailsand may request further information from the Agent/ Applicant in order to make a recommendation.

The information that the agent may further supply, may require additional consultation.

Once the officer is satisfied with the information, he/she will then make a recommendation, which will be presented to Development Control Committee.

The Members of the committee will then discuss the application and make a recommendation to approve, refuse or defer the item.

If the application is approved, permission is not yet granted permission.

The application site is within the Green Belt and therefore must be referred to the Secretary of State, who reviews the decision and decides if it can be approved, or if it should be called in.

If it is approved, Groups may wish to consider Judicial Review.

If it is approved, the decision may not be formally issued for a period of time, as the application may be subject to a S106 agreement, which can take some time to finalise (some can take 3-6 years).

If it is called in (like New Barnfield was), there will be a public inquiry, where an Inspector from the Planning Inspectorate will make a decision based on all the evidence give.

If the application is refused, it is likely that the agent/ applicant will appeal. For a site like this it would be unusual for it to be written representations, so I would expect a public inquiry (see above).

If it is deferred at Committee, this may be because the Members do not feel that there is sufficient information to make a decision.

In terms of Committee there is an opportunity to speak- opposing the application have a maximum of ten minutes- which can be split to 5 people at 2 mins each.

The Parish Council, Residents’ Association, Organised Groups have precedence for speaking over individuals.

If petitions are presented, they also get time to speak and this is separate to the above. (Petitions are dealt with by a different Department).

Even if the application is refused, and refused at appeal, the agent/ applicant may revise the scheme, and submit a new application.

Lastly, they may even withdraw the application, then have up to 12 months to resubmit a new scheme (free of charge), and the process begins again!