Hertfordshire Ecology have issued comments on plans for gravel extraction in Bengeo. Their report highlights shortcoming and flaws in the application, with the summary stating: “Overall, the current proposal is flawed in terms of inadequate site description, impact assessment and mitigation and fails to provide the certainty required of a development of this scale in this location. It is unacceptable and should not be consented in its current form.”
» Read the full ecology report here
Hertfordshire Ecology is an ecological advisory service for Hertfordshire County Council and the 10 Local Authorities of Hertfordshire. The services benefit from having access to sites, species and habitat information provided by the Hertfordshire Environmental Records Centre. Staff have access to a level of detail on species and sites that is not available more publicly. To find out more about their work visit www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/services/envplan/brcbio/eas.