Libby Mountford, Chair of Governors, Bengeo Primary School: “As Governors of Bengeo School we have responsibility, above all, for the wellbeing of our pupils and staff. The proposed excavation of large quantities of sand and gravel from a site so close to the school clearly puts at risk the long term health and safety of more than five hundred young children and nearly fifty staff, since they would be forced to breathe in dust produced by the excavation and travel to and from school on roads made more dangerous by the movements of many heavy lorries. We strongly oppose the application.”
Mark Prisk, MP: “I spoke at the Stop Bengeo Quarry event to make clear my support for the campaign. I have been really encouraged by the amount of local support for the cause.. [..] It’s clear this proposal would be bad for people’s health, bad for the local environment and potentially bad for our fresh water supply.”
Andrew Stevenson, County Councillor: “After careful consideration of the applicant documentation and responses so far I have concluded that gravel extraction as proposed would threaten the community in 5 ways: 1. Water supply 2. Ecology 3. Air quality 4. Highway system and 5. Landscape. Taking all these threats together he felt that there was a good case for the application to be rejected . The planned area is simply too close to urban development to be viable.”
George Sandell, Chairman of CAGE campaign: “I am very impressed with Stop Bengeo Quarry campaign and look forward to seeing the fruits of your hard work when it comes before the Development Control Committee.”
Stop Bengeo Quarry campaign is supported by Molewood Residents’ Association as well as Chapmore End Association. We are also delighted that East Herts Green Party is supporting the campaign.