Together with Bengeo Primary School, we are organising a childrens’ poems and posters competition.

How does the idea of a huge quarry on Bengeo Field make you feel?

Does it make you sad? Or angry? Or both?

Do you want to stop in happening?

The DO something about it – during the Easter Holidays!

Stop Bengeo Quarry is organising a competition for the best poster or poem that celebrates how you feel about the Bengeo Field and presents your ideas about losing it.

There will be prizes for the best entries and we will use them in our campaign  to stop the quarry happening!

If you design a poster, it should be in colour and in A4 size. It should be bold and easy to photocopy. It should use words and images.

If you write a poem, remember all the lovely things we could lose (even the skylarks) and what we will get in return!. You could illustrate your poem.

Give it to your teacher, straight after the holidays. Why not walk across the field on a fine day to be inspired.

All children living in Bengeo are encouraged to bring their posters & poems to a coffee fundraising event on 15th April at The Bengeo Club; or to Bengeo School on 17th April. They can also be emailed to The deadline for all competition entries is end of 18th April.