This is our last chance to tell the Planning Inspector and The Secretary Of State that Hertford Residents say NO to urban quarry plans.

This leaflet is about the current health consultation – open until 28th August.

Shortly before the opening of the Public Enquiry in to plans for a quarry in Bengeo, Country Council’s Public Health Director withdrew the objection. However, we have managed to negotiate a final opportunity for the residents of Hertford and around to tell the Planning Inspector and the Secretary of State that we, the residents, are concerned about any quarry plans near homes, near our children’s play areas and the Bengeo Primary School. The inspector WILL READ every letter. But the deadline is soon.

The applicant’s Health Impact Assessment that we are asked to comment on is ยป here.

Please help us reach as many people as possible. Please share the news and make sure all who care about clean air and water in Hertford write to the Planning Inspector now!

And if you can help with the distribution of our latest leaflets, please let us know too!

The Planning Inspectorate’s public inquiry continues on 23rd-25th October 2018 at County Hall