We just heard that the revised application for the Bengeo Quarry has been re-submitted. It is possible that the new documents will be available on the HCC website between Christmas & New Year. The case is most likely to be discussed by HCC Committee on 23rd February 2017 (10am in County Hall) and the public consultation of the re-application is most likely to be 3rd – 17th January 2017. We were advised that later responses may be accepted while the HCC planning report is being written – until it is submitted to the HCC Development Control Committee 2 weeks before the meeting (i.e. 8 Feb ’17).

Please could you let your friends and families know. Please could you look out for updates – we would love to have similar level of response to HCC consultation as we had before. Please could you try to join us for the Committee discussions in the County Hall on 23rd February 2017 at 10am.

Update: Document are now available on the HCC e-Planning website at
https://cloud1.atriumsoft.com/HCCePlanningOPS/loadFullDetails.do?aplId=25090.  Go to “Documents” section, and look for documents with the date of 23 December 2016. You should find 10 new documents:

1. Restored Landform.pdf
2. Progressive Operations Plan.pdf
3. LVIA Technical Addendum.pdf
4. LVIA Plans.pdf
5. Further Traffic Information.pdf
6. Further Ecology Information.pdf
7. Further Information 1 Statement.pdf
8. Cross Sections During Operations.pdf
9. Composite Operations Plan.pdf
10. Air Quality Assessment Report.pdf