Public Enquiry Day 10
Day 10 of the public enquiry started with Mr Symes (representing the Appellant) giving his evidence.
He explained that in his view, requiring the payment of a bond (as a condition of planning approval) is not appropriate in this application as the government does not support bonds - only in exceptional circumstances. He claimed to represent a "good company" which will deliver restoration. This is for landowner and the tenant to legally agree, and the local authorities to monitor.
Mr.Symes was cross-examined by the campaign's barrister - he agreed that the the measurements for the water pollution concerns are not defined clearly at this stage. He accepted he understood the community's concerns about the restoration ("Rickneys is a poor example of my industry"). When asked about the lack of community engagement he stated that the community could have reached him. He added: "What benefit would there be for me to talk to community if it is clear they don't want me there". The...