The Public Enquiry in to the County Council’s refusal of planning permission for gravel extraction north of Hertford has opened at County Hall.

The first morning was taken up with procedural issues and the opening statements of each party.

During the afternoon, the County Council’s noise consultant addressed the enquiry and was cross-examined. This was followed by the Council’s representations on gravel supply and the Minerals Local Plan.

Highlights from the afternoon included:


  • HCC assert that Sacombe Road and The Orchard would face unacceptable noise levels for the first application of 1.75 million tonnes.
  • Sacombe Road would face unacceptable sound levels for te second application of 1.25 million tonnes
  • The County Council’s witness was challenged on his criticism of the applicants research, sound levels of machinery and calibration of equipment. The witness gave solid responses in our opinion.

The Minerals Plan & Existing Supplies of Gravel

  • Existing approved plans will supply over 13 years of gravel
  • Housing development south of the proposed quarry site will not prevent future extraction
  • Existing approved plans provide sufficient diversity of gravel supply in terms of numbers of companies and sites

The Appellant (RJD Ltd) and the land owner are are working with Hanson on a third planning application with access via the existing [mothballed] Rickney’s quarry. However, any such application is outside the scope of the current enquiry.

If you would like to speak at the enquiry, you can still register.